Btw , it was really flattering that someone else is taking after my style of painting..They kinda painted a sparrow or jaybird in the same style as i had once painted a bluebird..
Imitation is flattery?prolly,,but mostly it is irritating..LOL
And yeah..I teared up twice when i saw two of the gold medalists , one of them , korean judo gold medal winner and perhaps the cyclist guy too..I teared up coz i can feel it..I have been there and done that..Not trained for Olympics..but I have trained for some sports and won the first prize and it felt so good ...You train well and you give it your all and you sure will feel happy at the end of it irrespective of whether it is a gold or silver..The trick is to really really really really really do the hardwork required without excuses.
hmmmmmm...the same rule of hardwork applies to med school or anything else for that matter..Real focus, real sincerity, some sacrifice is absolutelly what is needed.I used to be this person with super concentration..To admit very honestly i think i had a stoic attitude at one point of life and at that point of time, i did well in everything ...But thinking back , i think i had developed a sense of detachment which kinda helped me tide over something that i couldn't change about my surroudings and perhaps that detachment helped me focus at my own talents and made me recognize that i was super talented and that was the period i honed all the skills that i am proud of now..ya know..Now , i have lost all sense of concentration and i think , though standing the danger of sounding cliched, it is the tv and the multiple channels that has created a pseudo attention deficit disorder in me that was never there..It is just those 100 channels and i don't want to miss the best programs on any single given channel and needless to say that ambition has taken it's toll at my concentration capacities..LOL..NO seriously..I was much better off without a tv.
Either way, i wanted to make time to see the swimming events and i did ..which i am happy for.If you guys are missing out on the olympic events, please atleast make it a point to watch the highlights for the days to come.
love and hugs to everyone.
***PHOTO SOURCE: Please visit the official website of Beijing olympics for more photos of the opening ceremony
Btw, when i first happenned to watch this video, my first impulse was to muse at the fact that Dr.Pausch immediately reminds me of My Internal Medicine professor at Med school..The way he talks, the substance of the conversations , the mannerisms, the way of dressing and the attitude about life in general, all so similar ..Needless to say, this med school prof of mine is highly respected by all the students as well..All the other lame collegues of his were very jealous and resentful at his pragmatism too.Anways,, Dr.Randy is gone, but well, I hope that his innovative spirit stays with all of us .
There is also a link from Carnegie Univ , in connection to This last lecture, here goes the link for that too
Also there is a link to the transcript of his last lecture on there.This transcript is available for download only for non profit educational purposes.If your blog has ads or some such, quoting whole or some parts of the transcript would not be advisable at all.I surely do recommend downloading and giving a thorough read of the lecture , though.