please note: that publishing someone else's emails,letters,journals,personal pics,videos WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION is a LEGAL OFFENCE...( even if just on blogs or even if it is just redistribution to third parties via email, facebook and other such social media), (even if the aforementioned materials were shared with you by the writer or actual owner themselves).Please take WRITTEN PERMISSION from all parties involved prior to publishing such content.
Please also note that here in these blogs I am only posting EXCERPTS from MY OWN EMAILS to someone else WHOSE IDENTITY remains HIDDEN .No actual personally identifiable information about this other person has been revealed by me in these blogs all in an attempt to protect their privacy and mine as well.
hmmmm.....In the last year..i sent you a total of around XXX full fledged mails hereXXXXX
I then also sent some random messages to you on XXXX
I shared some weird videos every other day on yoooouuuuuu tooooooobe with you
The thing is...the few lines that i wrote accompanying each of my shared videos..I don't have a copy of them...yet..those spontaneous lines quickly typed in that space when i shared each of those videos were so heartfelt and i dont have a copy of them...Awwww
( have this innate need to retain a copy of all communication i have ever sent to anyone in the written word...
I sure have yelled at people over the phone ,all full of emotional meaning every single word i shouted into the mouthpiece..yet those words are all gone without a record..that is a whole other issue..I ramble ..i ramble..and XXXXXXX...gosh..anyways)
I also left a few weird comments for you for your XXXX ...they look silly to me now.I can' recollect why i wrote those comments even...
yeah....so coming back to that actual point..I did all this with no idea if any of these mails or messages or comments XXXXXXXXX....and now i feel like i am this silly delusional person ...who writes letters to some one who is constantly changing and perhaps is not even the person i initially set out to make a personal connection with...
The saddest part is...i dont have a copy of my youtube messages that i sent you ...those oneliners were charged with sincerity and my sponataneous charm..(yeah i believe that i am the most charming when i write in sentences just out of the blue onto the keyboard with no prethought of sentences)
The point of my letter was
I need a copy of the stupid youuuuuu toooobe one liners that i sent you
I need a hug
MY 2012 POSTNOTE for the blog!!!
for SOME REASON in 2012, when i sit here and read all those long emails i wrote him in 2008, I GET TIRED.
no seriously, the one thing i don't have a record of , amongst all my communication to him are the youtube comments and the MESSAGES that I sent along while sharing videos with him.Those messages were like LITTLE LOVE NOTES that i used to send to him along with those videos that i used to share with him almost everyday in 2007.:(((.i am sure he has them somewhere (or NOT) BUT i like keeping tabs on all notes,emails, letters, etc etc that i send to any given person..i even date and file them in folders..LOL...and so, these missing copies of those lil notes are like missing pieces of my puzzle picture.
anyways, SIGH, moving on .sometimes you have to let go of this need to STORE EVERYTHING for my personal private scrapbook.
speaking of keeping personal scrapbooks,MR.U has the SAME EXACT HABIT...of saving emails,photos,love notes,messages,tweets and such in folders and FILES..We are "obsess freaks" like that.BOTH OF US.same ,same.
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