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If you go read my lecinqblog.blogspot.com blog,you will know that I am attempting to do a book review,life review series called 12days300pages...
BY THE THIRD DAY of that healing pathway plan,I STALLED..
i DECIDED that cleaning out my life's closet ALTOGETHER would be the right way to start with my HEALING PLAN.
Last year I purged out mr.u from my mind by writing the LETTERS TO MR.U series.
This year in october I set out to purge memories of MR.GREEN by writing purge blogs related to him.
I stopped midway coz the pain was too much-pain waves started hitting my mind as soon as I wrote the first few blogs..so,I stalled it.
Then,I started writing the 12days300pages BLOG SERIES to REHAB MY MIND... but then, UNLESS I FINISH THE MR.GREEN PURGE BLOGS,i won't be able to FULLY TAKE BENEFIT OF THE 300PAGES of that book.
So here is a well organized healing plan that I have set out to accomplish.
1/dON'T HURRY IT,,if it takes more than 12 days, so be it..no problem at all! slow and steady
2/first read all old emails between mr.green and u..
This took me more than a week to complete..BUT I AM HAPPY TO SAY,i am done with reading all of them 2009-2013...as much as I could..no more reading of them...
3/write and complete them mr.green purge blogs-First ,write the sweet sappy romantic purge blogss and then write the angry rage filled ones..
The reason why I seek to write the sweet ones first and then the angry ones laters is because,almost always THE LATTER EMOTION is what overlays the former one and i definitely want to remember the shitty things he did to me...SO THAT I DON'T GET CARRIED AWAY INTO RELAPSE when i write all the sweetest things he told and did for me.
4/After completing all purge blogs about mr.green,write all other pending blogs too...get it all out of your system.
I have blog entries pending from as back as 2005,,ideas sitting and mulling in my head,blog requests by friends that i promised i will write and am yet to fulfil the promise,current affair blogs which if i don't write now will no longer be as relevant if I write later ,other purge blogs about other men and peole and incidents in my life,sweet lifestories,dreamblogs,supermarket stories,too much pending!
so,my next task will be to finish ALL PENDING BLOGS
5/ONCE all the above tasks are done,I am going to sit and see all pictures of mr.green once more..again and again, till i feel ,my mind has stopped responding to his pictures in any given way.
6/once I am done with everything,I will set out to read up all 300 pages, underlining and marking as I go.
then finally for 12days, it is going to be 12days300pages review series.
I AM 34 Years old...if i don't do this purge right now at this point of my life,MY WHOLE LIFE stands the danger of going waste.I HAVE TO MOVE FORWARD...and this is my way of trying to do it.
Tags: ramble,healing_plan,12days300pages, life_stories, life_plan ,emotional_rehab ,life_assessment
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