About me being lazy,about pennies in canals,and rambling in general and my sister--August 2008-LETTERS TO MR.U
please note: that publishing someone else's emails,letters,journals,personal pics,videos WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION is a LEGAL OFFENCE...( even if just on blogs or even if it is just redistribution to third parties via email, facebook and other such social media), (even if the aforementioned materials were shared with you by the writer or actual owner themselves).Please take WRITTEN PERMISSION from all parties involved prior to publishing such content.
Please also note that here in these blogs I am only posting EXCERPTS from MY OWN EMAILS to someone else WHOSE IDENTITY remains HIDDEN .No actual personally identifiable information about this other person has been revealed by me in these blogs all in an attempt to protect their privacy and mine as well.
So yeah...Anyways..Why am i rambling all this at this time?
I don't know...I heard xxxxxx yesterday and the first memories came flooding.
The sad part is, I personally feel that the past two years,, i haven't completed anything i planned to complete and accomplish.Seriously,I think i am lazy and i take my own anxiety too seriously
I need to suck it up and ignore the anxiety and pain and move on..but no, i have to play the bad things nasty poeple say and do and play it over and over in my head and waste my time
LIke my sister says, "people are bad.Dont expect too much from them.that way you don't get angry when they are nasty.that way you are at peace"
So, yeah..Now that i am rambling, let me ramble some more..I once dropped a penny in one of those water canals at the xxxx park in xxxxx,.Trust me, I don't believe in all this wishing pond thingies, nor do i believe in all this zodiac predictions thingy either..
but still..It was fun dropping a penny in those water canals along with all the lil kiddies that were doing so.Maybe they were wishing for a bike the coming christmas or some such..I was so serious with my wish..The wish never came true so far..well..It didnt because i am lazy.
It is like saying, " I wish i get my drivers license" and then never go appear for the drivers test...Ya know.
I gotta do my part too , right
?just incase you start guessing, " did she want a driver's license? " No , No, that was not what i wished for..Anways..gosh..
MY 2012 POSTNOTE for the blog!!!
Reading those emails i wrote him back in 2008, i suddenly realize, i FROZE certain memories for posterity by emailing about them to him...good.
I am happy i opened up enough and shared enough with him,We have that comfort level and trust level too and more than anything , given that me and him are so similar, WE GET EACH OTHER...AWWW.
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