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Saturday, September 29, 2012
Jason Talks about "Buzz Kill" thoughts !
his blog on blogspot ,which was sometime in late 2008( almost december
of 2008 )or early 2009(prolly jan 2009),Jason had already been
blogging on blogspot for quite a while .He had tons of blog entries
waiting for me on his blogspot by the time when I first embarked
upon him and his songs and then his blog.
Sometime in 2011 I got caught up so much in my life that I stopped
being a regular visitor and commenter on his blog.
By the time I sorted all the things in my life it was almost mid 2012
and suddenly , one fine day i decided to go back and read all the
backlog of entries on his blog.
Was very surprised to find that
on blogspot was called, has gone missing.
It seems to be empty sans just one last entry, the parting entry.
blah , I told myself...
The things you take for granted,
the things you think you can always fall back on,
the things you think you can always return to after a month or months or years
and then CATCH UP on the archives..BOOM..they disappear.
Made me sad..coz..
for me,,
jason's mental maturity
jason's dependability in terms of me emotional unburdening myself on
his comment section and NOT fearing that I will be judged either by
him or by other readers and commenters
and learning things from him and his blogs and in turn
teaching him things via my long interactions and replies on his
comments section.
I have on so many occasions ,KNOCKED MYSELF out with looooooong
comments ON HIS BLOGSPOT BLOG...and never for once feared that I WOULD
BE JUDGED for my heartfelt comments.
COMFORT LEVEL, like that...yeah@!
THESE ABOVE THINGS about jason, were my FALL BACK PLAN..AND his blog
was something I thought that will always be there for matter
how much i wander around and then finally decide to come back home to
his blog after horsing around.
So, this sudden departure from the CONSTANT in my life...his BLOG
You see, each time any person who is dear to my heart, who closes his
or her blog or goes MIA on blogging , I mutter under my
breath..."Damn!Another one bites the dust"
So, then , after this incident, after a few months, I suddenly
discover that there seems to be some JOURNAL of sorts , right on
jason's site
on his commercial
My FALL BACK NET is back securely in place.
What jason has done on his new blog is>>>He has with the help of his
team,made server space arrangenments for people to register right on
his website and then comment and interact with other fellow jasonites
right there below each journal entry..and then that way he has ensured
that THE COMMUNITY GROWS...Nice idea, me thinks...
The commenters community is AMAZING was amazing on blogspot when
jase used to blog there..IT IS SURE TO BE BETTER NOW on his
journal..The QUALITY OF THE COMMENTS that you get to read on his
website, is what keeps me interested.All of them thinkers and talkers,
just like me and just like jase...likeminded kidred spirits.ME LIKEY,
So, yeah.I registered there...Big smile..I RARELY EVER TAKE PAINS To
register on websites....But, come on, on jase's website? for sure..for
I am calling myself Dr.A there ..
So, his latest entry is about BUZZ KILL THOUGHTS.
As is customary, whenever I like something i read, I will quote an
excerpt and backlink to their blog .
Here is an excerpt from his blog, and i
"And similar to those physical challenges, untimely thoughts can also
be a buzz kill. Things like: I'm not there yet. I'm not smart enough.
I can't afford that. I can't risk that. I'm not that type of person.
That'll never work. That's too scary. I have no talent. I'm too old."
Click on the link below to go to his blog entry titled BUZZ WORTHY
I think of jason as my CALMING EFFECT...THANKS sweet calming soul.HUGS!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Letters to Mr.U-yogurt or icecream-Nov 2007
MY NOV 2007 LETTERS TO MR.U-yogurt or ice cream!
I seriously should not be posting full excerpts from the nov emails that I sent to him.But,but,but..I want to vent on some level,I suppose! I want to kinda PURGE him out of my system by writing these " Mr.U blogs".Sad ,but true.
I thought a lot about the nov 2007 letters...Instead of posting actual excerpts from those emails all I am going to do is add a gist of the content of those emails..
What did I write in those emails? something about yogurt and ice cream..I kinda gently(very gently) reprimand him about something too.
I remember actually being SUPER ANGRY and disappointed with him as a whole around that period of time, based on what he did back then , but funnily , the email and the tone of the email that I sent to him doesn't reflect the actual degree of anger I was in.I prolly didn't want to scream at him on an email and then be called a psycho...LOL...hmmmm
Monday, September 3, 2012
About Mr.U part 1-The first time I laid eyes on him
Sunday, September 2, 2012
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