I made some NY resolutions..
My opinion about NY resolutions?
I see two different groups of people..One of those groups vehemently believes that you have to make resolutions coz that is what everyone else does and so they have to do it too ..
There is this other group which thinks that they should NOT have resolutions coz that is how you force yourself to stand out.. be being not what others do..
Both these attitudes are symbolic of a herd mentality nevertheless..You are still responding to a general trend.
To me.both these groups are in some way conforming to a public wave of behavior.
I think , People should stop focussing on the general trend and focus on themselves.As a special unique entity with a special set of unique circumstances.
Like I already said, each of us is a unique set of variables.
We are all different.
So, if you want or feel the need to have a resolution, do have it.
If you don't, then don't.
If you want to have it and then break it,sure , do it.
If you never had one but mid year you feel like having some NY resolutions, sure, do have them..
There are no rules.. just focus on yourself and make tailor made rules just for you,,yeah?
Be flexible in a clever way.
My NY resolutions-original and revamped -These are from my Twitter entries
- 2010 NY: Never judge anyone.Don't do impulsive stuff,Get up and take action,Meet deadlines,work real hard,Hope for the best!have a schedule! 4:03 PM Dec 31st, 2009 from web
- Failed all NY resolutions:Never judge anyone.Don't B impulsive ,take action,Meet deadlines,work real hard,Hope for the best!have a schedule 4:42 AM Jan 5th from web
- NY resolutions:Revamped: Make a schedule and stick to it,Calm down(my best friend's advice btw..LOL) ,drink enough water each day,sleep well 12:14 AM Jan 6th from web
- NY resolutions:Revamped II: Finish learning guitar chords before vacating the apartment,Eat 3 good meals a day,get 9 hours of quality sleep! 12:23 AM Jan 6th from web
- NY resolutions:Revamped III:No matter how cold keep windows of the apartment open for an hour each day,listen 2 my fav music an hour a day 12:34 AM Jan 6th from web
I made NY resolutions quite spontaneously while twittering .I had not been meaning to do it. but i did , on the spur of the moment while Tweeting,
And,well, they are really sensible ones.
I failed on all the resolution goals by jan 5 th .LOL..But ,ya know what, I am getting better at them.
This is the same principle "43things" website runs on..Once you jot down and publicly make a resolution, you are more likely to back it up with action.
"43things" is one of my favorite websites of all times.It really helps with focusing on goals in a very unique manner.
These days, each time I see someone messing up, the old me starts to judge and get critical at why people are so thoughtless and how they lack self control and why they mess up,,But suddenly I remember the NY RESOLUTIONS and then I quickly tell myself, "Don't judge, You don't know their state of mind, you don't know their circumstances, don't judge, just let it go!"
and then I let it go and then i feel liberated just a lil bit more in my head.
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