Jason is a bundle of positivity.. He is one person who manages to calm me down.. I feel like a child and feel convinced and taken care of by this timely blog entries with timely wise advice.. It is nice to be the recepient of well thought out advice you see. Most of the time I am the smart person giving out very insightful advice to others.. That constant giving out advice and love to everyone else without getting much back can be emotionally draining.Where do I go back to get my emotional tanks recharged? Sometimes , I make a phone call to my sister, sometimes i tweet tweets to mr.you(in cryptic codes and he codes back), but mostly I go to Jason's blog and .....INSTANT REACHARGE.
So, yes, in this blog entry, Jason is mostly talking about his trip to newyork and his performance for kids and how Rob thomas has been doing this for 10 years ( hey, good job , Rob!) and all that and suddenly he writes this following paragraph.Please note that whatever is in green is what jason wrote and whatever follows in red is what comment i left for him on there..k?
- jason quote:
- "Observing the world observing world wonders is a favorite pastime. I get to be in the presence of natural beauty, and also the beauty of the curious visitor, the human in action - the human in awe. Like a fly on the wall in the Louvre, I get to view both the art and the onlooker and see how they need each other. Without the foot traffic, a museum is just another empty warehouse. Therefore, without acknowledgment, a human is just an empty vessel. It is we who breathe life into each other. Thank you for seeing me and bringing me to life. I hope these words reach you and give you a sense of relatedness. You’re the painting I’m presently staring at and the value I put on that is priceless."
- MY COMMENT on his blog
- And, I so agree.. that we do as humans and as a community cause appraisal of the other person by recognizing and appreciating their existence.
Like they say, If a tree fell down in a forest, would it still make a sound? Yes it would make a sound..LOL>. that is the other side of the story.. but anyways..
yes, we are a combined mass of energy. Gosh,each time i come here and read your blog.. My own thoughts come pouring out and then i have to go post this comment on my own blog..I am gonna quote you there and link back to this blog..k? cheers and hugs and love For jase and friends.
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