First off, I am very disappointed that Hillary is out of the presidential race. Hillary almost made it.. which translates into a large vote base that is now left in the lurch. It is a pity that we are limited to just two people when it comes to choosing a president..why not have more than two? why is human thought process being labelled into two rigid categories of Republican and Democratic?
I know, You are going to say, there are a lot others..but hey at the end of the day.. it is all money power that finally alloows you to become visible and finally reach the final stage of the elections.
Now coming back to Hillary and her vote base, a lot of people were wise to take a note that American women would really love to see a woman there at the high office.
The republicans took a cue from this but they did so in a stupid way.. as stupid as their VP choice now.
They just scoured for any stupid woman and put her up as their vp choice.. That says a lot about what they think of the intelligence of the average American woman.They think that women are just stupid and will just need a woman as a vp choice and they will jump with joy and choose her.. (which i suspect may be the case with the average stupid women club anyways).What they forget is thaat these are smart american women who want a true representative.If i am a smart woman, i would want a smart woman to represent me.Hillary was exactly that.She was smart and tough and sophisticated and knew her politics.She was a true representative.
Sarah palin is far from intelligent.She is an idiot.I find it an insult that some party think that sarah can be a true representative and that such an idiot can appeal to me.That says a lot about what republican party thinks about the analysis power of the average american woman.
We supported Hillary coz she is smart and knows what she is doing.Sarah palin is a nobody who is stupid stupid and more stupid.
The funny part is, she is so stupid that in her stupidity she doesnt even understand how much her speeches look funny and retarded.I mean. what kind of pointless speeches are those.. You are running for a beauty queen contest here(the hell..Even beauty queen contests deal with some smart questions these days).. You just babble around in your speeches and expect that the women listening to your speeches won't know the difference anyway..Sarah, you somehow think that the american women will never know that you are think that some pretence will make a fool of them.
hmmmmmmmmmm....seriously..what a predicament..
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