The mood on Dec 31st 2009 ?
Very representative of how my mood has been all through the latter half of 2009. I had been preoccupied with non productive stuff on dec 31st 2009 as much as i had been the whole of the latter half of 2009.
Now, NON PRODUCTIVE is a very arguable term.. Sometimes things and incidents which overtly look nonproductive actually subconsciously have already had a deeper impact on us and the effects of which make themselves manifest months/years down the line.So, i guess I must reserve my opinion about the year 2009 having been NON PRODUCTIVE.Who knows!!
So, How do I sum up 2009?
I would say,Well, It went in a whizz.
I partly blame my signing up for TWITTER .
I chose Twitter coz ,I for one, figured that typing out 140 characters each time would save me time in comparison to say blogging on blogger. Once i get on blogger, I with my typing speed of 80WPM notwithstanding, will blog and blog for atleast an hour or more.I figured that having a 140 character limit on twitter will allow me to abbreviate my lines and thus save me time
I have spent far more non-productive hours on Twitter than I had initially planned i would end up doing.
But again like my mom says, NOTHING IS NON PRODUCTIVE.Everything happens for a reason, everything has an effect..
Very significant events that happened in 2009?
In Nov of 2009, I bought my first guitar. I am self learning Guitar now.
In 2001, while I was in med school, I had signed up for flute classes and i learned flute for a bit . This foray into Guitar reminded me of those flute learning days back then. Learning a new musical instrument-self learning at that, always allows you to open up a tiny window of your soul to the breezes and lets new winds blow in.A nice experience of self discovery and awakening your own soul.
I also met quite a few interesting people from quite a few countries from all around the world via TWITTER. Twitter was in a way,exposing myself to the world and countries which I would otherwise have never gotten the time to visit.
The quality of people on Twitter is quite to my satisfaction.
In my opinion >All smart professionals congregate on Twitter much more than any other social media networking site.Much unlike ,say, Facebook or myspace or yahoo or msn or 43things or other such social media platforms.I have met more smarter people here than any other social media platform that i have given an honest try.
The average intelligence of people on Twitter is much higher than even say LinkedIn social networking where interaction happens almost by area of expertise and profession.
I learned Portuguese from this kind lady on Twitter .She is a teacher from Portugal.Learning a new language from a native speaker is a great experience in itself, much like learning a musical instrument.
The Portuguese lessons had to stop though coz she was finding it too tough to make time for the elaborate lessons that she was giving me. But , us having attempted something like this, This online to and fro teaching and learning, was a great experience to be a part of .
I also had the good fortune of being taught watercolor from a world class award winning watercolor artist.Again, we accidentally came across each other via Twitter thanks to me making a tweet about Watercolor technique.
This particular artist is From Australia and he actually is my Godfather now.
He taught me watercolor basics.The 'basics' lessons which when they come from a very talented artist also have those tiny lil artist tricks and tips that an ordinary teacher wouldn't teach you.
He is a wonderful teacher and i am a very sincere student. And I am very thankful that i got this opportunity to interact with him on such a one-on-one basis. This is another reason why I don't really regret having signed up for Twitter .
So, yeah, Though i feel that i would have Focused more on my career based goals had I not gotten on Twitter, I am nevertheless very thankful for the experience.
I bought a guitar and am still learning the basics, I learned a bit of Portuguese, I learned watercolors>> all because of Twitter.
I met a lot of vegans on Twitter. Met a lot of environmentalists, writers, doctors, engineers and what not..Like I already said, It has been a social media year for me.. Met a lot of smart people..Felt more a part of society than ever before.
So, yes, 2009, was a big TWITTER YEAR for me.
Public events that happened?
Another update:
yesterday when i went to sleep i suddenly realized that i never mentioned SWINE FLU off all thing in my public events category on the round up blog
God only know how many people twittered non stop for months just about Swine flu and nothing else.
Here i am coming back on feb 11,2010, suddenly remembering that the swine flu totally slipped my mind when i made the round up blog for 2009.
btw..I think the scare of swine flu happened coz people died en masse in mexico..
where else but mexico can we expect a swine flu outbreak?after all they are the pig lard tortilla people..LOL
hmmmm.anyways..sometimes when the same thing get bombarded to your head months on end, you end up developing a resistance to start ignoring it..must like AUDITORY keep hearing a noise day in and day out..your body and ear learns to kinda ignore that constant noise over that too much talk of swine flu kinda totally made me forget about it after a while i guess.Hence the slip of memory while making a round up blo.
Funny how I forgot about them altogether when i first made this blog entry.I had to come back today on jan 21 2010 and update the blog.
The AirFrance flight crashed into the sea.Obviously no one survived. And the blackbox that was supposed to tell us what happened couldn't be found or was damaged beyond reclamation.Great. THE BLACKBOX..hmmm.
Anyways, The Iran election was big on Twitter.Funny how It totally slipped my mind when I made this Roundup blog.The election was believed to be an eyewash.Protests ensued.Govt. became a tyrant.Protestors got killed/kidnapped or abducted .hmmmm.sad ..
Michael jackson died. I remember all of us tweeting like hell about it ..A lot of people died of drug overdoses in 2009.. hmmmmmm.
Tiger woods of all people got caught cheating .. I have no idea how it is any of our business. But again, everyone tweeted like hell about it..
Avatar got released and everyone went ga ga ga over it..personally I think the movie is overrated.. If at all you are making an animated movie, I would presume you go overboard....But , naaaah! ..the woman character still has hemispherical boobs(normal woman have conical boobs, not hemispherical ones), the male character still goes around taming dragons like humans tame horses. and gee.. THAT is not what i call an original imagination. If at all you imagine..imagine outrageously,,why imagine only in terms of things you already know or have seen in real life? So, yeah, whatever.
The copenhagen summit happened very recently.It was heartening to watch the police just beat up people like that.. No one has a right to beat up anyone else, no matter what. plain and simple.I am glad, Obama did something and brought about atleast a tentative promise deal which states that the actual countries responsible for so much of pollution are the very ones that will fund cleaning up the pollution. Fair and square. yeah?Lets hope it gets better
I became a full fledged baking expert in 2009.
After i realized that i was getting better at baking, invested in a new Tiny oven-just for baking bread.Good purchased it for a bargain coz it was the last piece on sale in that category.
Becoming a bread baker was Big kitchen achievement for me coz, Though i am a great chef.. I had never till 2009 forayed into baking my own bread till 2009, But now, all i ever eat is homemade bread..from scratch from Whole wheat flour.
I am big big bread expert now..All self experimentation.. I don't even feel the need to measure flour or yeast these days, That is how much of a bread making expert I am now..So, big BREAD MAKING YEAR for me, this 2009. Very thankful and proud for that.
2009 taught me that everyone is fallible, even me.
I have a high ethical standpoint. That explains why I am vegan or why i fight for human rights etc etc.
I also used to have these rigid rules about fidelity.. as in.....
You can love only one single person at a given time.
If you love someone too much, you will never ever cheat on them,
People of different age groups shouldn't date each other etc etc..
Some of these beliefs have undergone a great overhaul in my head as of now.
I realize that i am becoming more open minded just like my mother. She always tells me to be open and accepting of other people's mistakes..I guess she says that coz she messes up from time to time and knows first hand about how people end up messing up.So, her way of forgiving herself is by forgiving others who make mistakes as well.
Me on the other hand self regulate a lot..I am my own critic..So, i vindicate myself a lot.When so much of self control goes on ,,you end up making less mistakes and when you do so much of hard work trying not to make mistakes you expect others to be as responsible as well.
But the real word is not like that..Though you are responsible, you will come across a lot of irresponsible people. You have to not let their irresponsibility affect your state of mind .yeah?
So,That is what i learned this year.Though I still plan to self control and self regulate, i will atleast be less critical of other messer-uppers in 2010.
So, though in 2008, I would have disapprove when a 40 something Brad pitt would diss his wife of 7 years and run to be with a 29 year old Angeline jolie and though Angelina jolie herself having been a victim of her own father cheating on her own mother now suddenly takes this 40 year old man into her arms , a man who is literally cheating on his wife..(Note:that i am a third party bystander..none of my business...ya know)
In 2009, I am more accepting or rather LESS CRITICAL of everyone and everything coz ya know what.. unless you are them, you will never know why they did what they did.. I have become less judging of people...So, if something like that triangle happened in 2010..i would care less.Who cares..if they are all messing it is their problem.ya know!
Why am i so accepting now? I realized something new in 2009.
Though we self regulate our own behavior..we cannot control so many things outside of our life.
Because,, LIFE IS ALL ABOUT VARIABLES.. It is a set of variables thrown together in each person's life.. and you with your set of variables will behave and react differently to a set of situations than say what another person with another set of variables will to the same circumstances.
So, yes, I am becoming more open minded like my mother.. She never judges.. as in,,she is more accepting of her own mistakes and others mistakes..
I on the other hand used to be too critical of my own mistakes and others' mistakes as well.
But now.. though i will continue to set high standards for everyone,, i will not judge as often when mistakes happen , coz,, who am I to judge? yeah?
I made some NY resolutions..
My opinion about NY resolutions?
I see two different groups of people..One of those groups vehemently believes that you have to make resolutions coz that is what everyone else does and so they have to do it too ..
There is this other group which thinks that they should NOT have resolutions coz that is how you force yourself to stand out.. be being not what others do..
Both these attitudes are symbolic of a herd mentality nevertheless..You are still responding to a general trend.
To me.both these groups are in some way conforming to a public wave of behavior.
I think , People should stop focussing on the general trend and focus on themselves.As a special unique entity with a special set of unique circumstances.
Like I already said, each of us is a unique set of variables.
We are all different.
So, if you want or feel the need to have a resolution, do have it.
If you don't, then don't.
If you want to have it and then break it,sure , do it.
If you never had one but mid year you feel like having some NY resolutions, sure, do have them..
There are no rules.. just focus on yourself and make tailor made rules just for you,,yeah?
Be flexible in a clever way.
My NY resolutions-original and revamped -These are from my Twitter entries
- 2010 NY: Never judge anyone.Don't do impulsive stuff,Get up and take action,Meet deadlines,work real hard,Hope for the best!have a schedule! 4:03 PM Dec 31st, 2009 from web
- Failed all NY resolutions:Never judge anyone.Don't B impulsive ,take action,Meet deadlines,work real hard,Hope for the best!have a schedule 4:42 AM Jan 5th from web
- NY resolutions:Revamped: Make a schedule and stick to it,Calm down(my best friend's advice btw..LOL) ,drink enough water each day,sleep well 12:14 AM Jan 6th from web
- NY resolutions:Revamped II: Finish learning guitar chords before vacating the apartment,Eat 3 good meals a day,get 9 hours of quality sleep! 12:23 AM Jan 6th from web
- NY resolutions:Revamped III:No matter how cold keep windows of the apartment open for an hour each day,listen 2 my fav music an hour a day 12:34 AM Jan 6th from web
I made NY resolutions quite spontaneously while twittering .I had not been meaning to do it. but i did , on the spur of the moment while Tweeting,
And,well, they are really sensible ones.
I failed on all the resolution goals by jan 5 th .LOL..But ,ya know what, I am getting better at them.
This is the same principle "43things" website runs on..Once you jot down and publicly make a resolution, you are more likely to back it up with action.
"43things" is one of my favorite website of all times.It really helps with focusing on goals in a very unique way.
These days each time i see someone messing up, the old me starts to judge and get critical at why people are so thoughtless and how they lack self control and why they mess up,,But suddenly I remember the NY RESOLUTIONS and then i quickly tell myself, "Don't judge, You don't know their state of mind, you don't know their circumstances, don't judge, just let it go!"
and then I let it go and then i feel liberated just a lil bit more in my head.